Thursday, September 30, 2010


  1. The shower ones really funny. I always look through all the pictures really fast first and this popped out at me. Its very humorous. :)

  2. I like the flash photography one. I might try directing your flash from the side so that it isn't so direct, but its also kind of neat this way with the harsh shadow. So I guess just keep it how it is.

  3. I really like the self portrait. I think it kinda shows how we all feel sometimes about art projects lol. I also like 3. It feels sort of day-dreamy.

  4. The second photo is really neat. I like how half of his face is entirely blacked out and the other is just a contour line. It gives it a really dramatic feel.

  5. I like the side profile because you are left to wonder what the rest of his face looks like.

  6. I think the lighting in #2 is really beautiful. I like how it's a portrait, but his face is still mostly hidden. #5 and 6 are definitely the best though- they're both really dynamic, have great contrast and lighting and look like they're a still from a movie. Great photos.

  7. I like the second photo and the last photo. I think they require more time to look at for some reason. The others are good, but much more straightforward. I think that the lighting adds a lot of interest.

  8. The lighting effects in the second and last one are really cool, a little creepy, but cool.

  9. The first photo is a cool idea, but it's kind of hard to see his eyes. Maybe re-shoot so that they are more visible. There's something funny about the 5th one that I like and I also like the focus.

  10. The fourth has good sharpness and an interesting perspective. I wonder what it would look like without the wall art, even though it probably adds to the personality.

    The last one creates interesting shadows and the high contrast makes this very interesting.

  11. Great subject as usual. I really like your self-portrait the best. It has some very interesting things happening in the background, and your facial expression is very convincing and expressive. The lighting of the very last photo picks up the pattern on the futon in a cool way too.

  12. i really love the slow shutter image, self portrait, and the lighting angles one. the first image is a very interesting idea that is very well captured. I particularly love the effect that the light has on the last image because of the way the shadow creates an inverse halo effect on the figure. The self portrait seems very expressive and personal.

  13. #1 So creepy but interesting at the same time, makes me want to keep looking back at it to figure it out completely.
    #5 I love how you used flash in a sort of paparazzi way. It works well with the idea of snapping a photo of someone in a private moment and his slight terror look.

  14. the self portrait works well. no suggestions. it does feel real and it is an interesting angle and it also expresses your intended idea. definitely keep the one of your roommate looking out the window. his neck looks so fragile and the little wisps of hair are delicate and detailed. the third is also good. keep it as is. the first is almost there... maybe a bit more contrast and burning and dodging to direct us to the eyes.

  15. Each one is very unique to the emotion provoked in the viewer. My favorites are 2,4,5 and 6. Each one is very well done when talking about composition and lighting.

  16. I really like the 2nd photo and last photo, I feel like they all are very well done, and all have good composition. I think it is really cool that you used the same person in a lot of these because he does look like a different character in each.

  17. I tried to do one just like your shower one for flash photography too! Yours looks much better than mine though. Your roommate looks like he is terrified. In a really comical way. The only thing I don't like is his skin looks really... Plastic. I can't tell if his skin really is that shiny or if its edited but it looks slightly off to me.

    I really like the last image also. The weird fun pattern of the futon combined with the creepy lighting of the face is so bizarre but really very intriguing.
